Fancy hiring our Bouncy Castle?
- a family BBQ,
- a birthday party,
- a christening / naming,
- a general party
- or fancy doing something for the kids during school holidays?
Then hire our Fareham Lions Bouncy Castle.
The bouncy castle is ideal for young children (under 8 years old) during the summer and is for outdoor use only.
To hire it costs £50 plus £100 deposit. Deposit is returnable once we are satisifed that no damage has occurred.
Before you contact us to hire please check the following:
You have enough space in your garden as it requires a minimum space of 4m x 4m to be able to erect the bouncy castle and you also have adequate access to a socket and extension lead that can be trailed safely
To hire the Bouncy Castle:
- please contact us via our contact form providing your:
- name,
- contact details,
- telephone number,
- the date that you would like to hire the Bouncy Castle.
We cannot hire out the Bouncy Castle the day before August Bank Holiday Monday.
Fareham Lions are not liable for any accidents caused as a result of it being hired.
There are restrictions on who can use it due to regulations:
- max age 8 years old
- max height 1.1 metres
- maximum of 4 people at once
- no shoes
- socks must be worn
- no food / drink is allowed on
- all stake positions must be staked out properly and be secure
- if the outside garden temperature is above 25C then care must be taken as the material on the bouncy castle can become too hot to touch.
- adults must supervise children on the bouncy castle (and adults must not be under the influence of alcohol or any other substances)
- no pets are allowed on, as their claws can puncture the material.