
Lions Clubs International encourage Lions to collect old and unwanted spectacles so that they can be recycled and sent to countries where they are desperately needed.

How it all began

SpekTrek is an annual event organised by Chichester Lions Club, in this area. The first Spektrek was in 1982. Each year the Club collects over 100,000 pairs of unwanted spectacles from Lions Clubs all over the area. These are then passed on to other Lions Clubs for sorting, grading and then onward transport to the third world. Over the years nearly 2.5 million pairs of specs have been collected.

As it costs at least £100 per pair of glasses, each year equivalent to £10 million is raised through collecting spectacles.

Make sure the glasses are clean and not in a case.

Cases and cloths cannot be collected

Where can you take your unwanted Specs?

You can take your old specs (glasses) to the following places where Fareham Lions members / friends will collect them from:


      • Boots Opticians
      • Specsavers
      • Vision Express
      • Palmerston Indoor Bowls Club, (behind Royal Mail sorting office) Palmerston Business Park


      • Specsavers